Angina Pectoris Occurs When….

Many people also search how to Angina Pectoris Pronunciation So first off all we see it then after we discuss all about Angina pectoris

Ann-gi-na. the word “an,” pronounced like the name Ann or Anne and pectoris pronounced as a pec-toris.

Angina pectoris is the chest pain due to inappropriate blood flow to the heart muscles and due to the lack of oxygen, the heart muscle becomes weak and leads to a heart attack without pain. 

Angina pectoris can lead to discomfort-into the Neck, Jaw, shoulder, and arm. It is called as myocardial ischemia. 

Need to improve the ratio or Cardiac O2 Supply / Cardiac O2 Requirement otherwise it can lead to medical attention as heart attack.

angina pectoris
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Table of Contents

Angina pectoris occurs when

Some of the reasons include:

  • Patient age above 60 years
  • Cigarette smoking
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Family history
  • Hypertension
  • Kidney disease
  • Chronic or acute blockage of a coronary artery or by the coronary artery spasm.
  • Chronic obstruction is associated with fixed calcified. 
  • Severe blockage of a coronary artery results from rupture or disruption of vulnerable atherosclerosis plaque that causes platelet aggregation and thrombus formation.

If you have all of these causes, then angina pectoris is more likely to occur.

You must read this article

Risk and factors of angina pectoris

Physical Exertion

  • Increase heart rate, the isometric exercise of the arms can cause exertion angina. 
  • Intense Emotions:-Stimulate the sympathetic nervous system.
  • Consumption of heavy meal:-
  • Increase the workload of the heart.

Tobacco Use

  • Diminishes available oxygen
  • By increasing the level of
  • Carbon-monoxide

Sexual Activity

  • Increases the cardiac 
  • workload and 
  • Sympathetic
  • Stimulation. Drugs and emotions


Stable Angina

  • Chest discomfort due to some activities like running, jumping, walking, etc.

Unstable Angina

  • It is the condition in which there is not enough oxygenated blood flow that can lead to a heart attack.
  • It is a worsening condition, and that relived by the rest.
  • Unstable Angina is the fatal condition immediate attention required to treat the unstable Angina.

Variant angina pectoris (Prinzmetal’s Angina)

  • Variant angina pectoris occurs due to blockage of the artery or coronary artery spasm.
  • It does not exaggerate emotional stress and physical Exertion.
  • It is harrowing and occurs between midnight to early morning.

Microvascular Angina

  • Microvascular Angina characterized by angina-like chest pain but has different causes.
  • It occurs due to arterial blockage and weakens muscle of the heart, leg, and arm.

Syndrome X

  • Typical, exertional Angina with positive exercise stress test
  • Anatomically normal coronary arteries
  • Reduced capacity of vasodilation in the microvasculature
  • Long term prognosis very good
  • Calcium channel blockers and beta-blockers effective

Angina pectoris symptoms

  • People who injure the muscles in the chest wall may experience:
  • Pain that increases with movement of the chest or upper spine
  • Pain that results from deep breathing, sneezing, or coughing
  • Back pain occurs
  • Angina increases your risk of a heart attack. But it is treatable. Consider its warning sign and choose a healthy life.
  • People who injure the muscles in the chest wall may experience
  • Pain that increases with movement of the chest or upper spine
  • Pain that results from deep breathing, sneezing, or coughing
  • Back pain occurs
  • Dull, diffuse.
  • discomfort or unpleasant sensation with heaviness or tightness or constricting rather than painful.
  • Radiation: Inner aspect of arm, neck or Jaw, epigastrium or back.
  • Aggravating factor (on demand).
  • Physical Exertion. 
  • Emotion (anger or excitement) .
  • Exposure to a cold or hot humid environment .
  • After heavy meals. 


  • Full blood count: anemia aggravates Angina: lipid profile, plasma glucose. 
  • Resting ECG: to detect left ventricular hypertrophy or past myocardial infarction.
  • Chest radiography: to check heart size and pulmonary vasculature.
  • Exercise stress test: to precipitate symptoms, to document workload at the onset, and to record any associated EGG abnormality (planar ST-segment depression or arrhythmia.

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Non – pharmacological treatment

Non – pharmacological Treatment :

  • Diet: Low fat low caloric diet (adjusted to BMI). 
  • 3F: Low fat. 
  •  Eat more fiber fruits. 
  • Fish
  • Isotonic exercise.  30 – 45 minute ( Maximum 1 hr) Most of the days in a week.
  • Fat burning exercise: Jogging, Cycling, swimming, skipping.

Advice to patients with angina

  • Diet: No food without fruits 
  • Diet Meditarrenlans, Exercise Americans
  • Do not smoke           
  • Aim at an ideal body weight
  • Take regular exercise: Isotonic (exercise up to. but not beyond, the point of chest pain is beneficial and helps to promote collateral vessels)
  • Avoid severe unaccustomed Exertion, vigorous exercise after a heavy meal, or in freezing weather
  • Take sublingual nitrate before undertaking Exertion that may induce Angina
  • Meditation/ prayer

 Difference between stable and  unstable angina

Stable angina

Unstable angina

1.Demand ischaemia.

1. Supply ischaemia.

2. Fixed plaque.

2. Plaque fissure with dynamic plaque.

3. No circadian periodicity.

3. Circadian periodicity.

4. Management.

No Antithrombotic drug.

4. Antithrambotic drug.

Heparin/ LMWH in selected cases.

Treatment of angina pectoris

Lifestyle changes and medications are often used to treat stable angina. Can also medical procedures such as angioplasty, stent, and coronary artery bypass surgery to treat angina.

Angioplasty and stenting

Also called percutaneous coronary intervention – a small balloon is inserted into your narrow artery. A small wire mesh coil (stent) is usually inserted to keep the artery open.

Coronary artery bypass surgery

During coronary artery bypass surgery, veins or arteries anywhere in your body are used to bypass blocked or narrowed coronary arteries. Best surgery for angina pectoris.

External Counter plantation

Also, blood pressure-type cuffs are placed around the calf, thighs, and pelvis to increase blood flow to the heart. The ECP requires multiple treatment sessions. It can help reduce symptoms in people with refractory angina.

Related: Aortic Regurgitation Murmur 

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