Can You Eat Too Much Fiber? | Much Fiber Cause Constipation?

Too much fiber in your diet can cause bloating, constipation, and gas. A person can relieve this trouble by increasing their fluid consumption, exercising, and making dietary changes.

These side effects of excessive fiber can occur when eating more than 70 grams of fiber a day. Unfortunately, this is not unusual, and it may be more likely in a person following a vegan diet, whole food, or raw diet.

In this article, look at how much fiber is too much. Plus, we look at treatments and the great sources of fiber to introduce into your diet.

I have already shared a post related to this topic: High Fiber Breakfast Foods. I hope you read this post.

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Table of Contents

How much is too much?

Fiber is the heavy part of plants and carbohydrates. Therefore, foods like vegetables, lentils, and seeds are high in fiber.

Usually, eating too much fiber is a less obvious problem than eating too little. However, only an estimated 5% of Americans meet their daily recommended fiber intake.

The amount of fiber varies based on an individual’s age, gender, and pregnancy status.

The Academy of Nutrition recommends the following for dietary fiber intake:

  • For adult women: 25 g per day
  • For adult men: 38 g per day 
  • 50 years old: 30 g for men, 21 g for women, 
  • Pregnant women: at least 28 g per day

A rich diet in fiber is necessary for keeping the digestive system healthy. In addition, it is related to lower blood pressure and reduced heart problems, obesity, and diabetes.

A healthy oatmeal diet for breakfast, a sandwich, fruit, or vegetables for lunch and a whole-grain dinner with lentils can reach that threshold.

I had earlier shared What Are Two Types Of Carbohydrates?. I hope you read the post.

Symptoms and side effects

symptoms of eating too much fiber are:

  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Nausea
  • Dehydration
  • Stomach cramps
  • Feeling too full
  • Poor absorption of some key nutrients
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Weight gain or loss

The high fiber makes bowel movements bigger. In addition, it promotes fermentation and gas formation. This is why extreme fiber intake affects the digestive system.

Fiber is important for healthy, solid bowel movements. However, too much of it causes constipation.

In this study, people who reduced their fiber intake had frequent bowel movements, less bloating, and more abdominal pain than those who didn’t change their fiber intake.

Too much fiber can cause nutrient deficiencies, interfering with the body’s ability to absorb vital nutrients. This unwanted result is because the fiber connects with minerals, including calcium, zinc, magnesium, and iron.

To learn more, you can read: Nutrition Value of Food

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Can too much fiber cause constipation?

Constipation is a general problem that affects up to 20% of people every year.

It’s a difficult situation to define, as bathroom habits differ considerably from person to person.

However, if you have three bowel movements a week and your stools are dry, hard, and hard to pass, you’re likely constipated.

One of the common pieces of advice for people who are constipated is to eat high fiber.

A high-fiber diet ends with chronic constipation for several people. But those who have slow pelvic floor dysfunction may respond badly to increased dietary fiber. If you change the number of bowel movements and develop acute constipation, talk with your doctor.

I also wrote an article on Constipation Cure also you can read.

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The symptoms of eating too much more fiber can be reduced by:

  • Reducing fiber intake
  • Increasing fluid consumption
  • Getting more extra exercise
  • Avoiding food that increases abdominal bloating, such as chewing gum

A low-fiber diet emphasizes:

  • Grain and bread and products with less than 2 g of fiber per serving
  • Cooked or canned fruits and vegetables
  • Well-cooked meats

Hidden sources of fiber include the following ingredients:

  • Inulin
  • Soy hulls
  • Guar gum
  • Oat fiber
  • Maltodextrin

Must read this post: Exercise During Covid

Best sources of fiber

Two basic kinds of fiber, soluble fiber, and insoluble fiber. Although the body can’t digest them, they are both important for your healthy diet.

Fiber is broken down in the water found in the digestive system. It helps in slowing down the moles and softening the digestion process.

Insoluble fiber doesn’t break down at all. Instead, it passes into the digestive system. Instead, it adds bulk to bowel movements and helps food move on.

Individuals can try to reach the recommended daily level of dietary fiber by eating a diet rich in:

all fruit, though fruit juice is low in fiber

  • Vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Legumes
  • Nuts and seeds

Naturally, occurring fiber is easier for the body to work than foods made with added fiber. So, whole grains and fresh fruits are more useful sources than high-fiber supplements or energy bars.

Also see: Is Vitamin B12 Water Or Fat Soluble?

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The benefit of fiber in the diet

A good balance of fiber in your diet is linked with health benefits. These include:

  • Reduced risk of heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and colorectal cancer
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Improved gastrointestinal health
  • Weight management
  • Regular bowel movements


Frequently Asked Question

Too much fiber bad for kidneys?

According to research increasing fiber intake can prevent decline in eGFR (estimated glomerular filtration rate); May reduce pro-inflammatory factors, indoxyl sulfate, and serum cholesterol levels; and is negatively associated with cardiovascular risk but does not impair nutritional status in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD).

Does fiber clean your kidneys?

Fiber can support your liver and kidneys, which help you detox.
Consuming high-fiber foods like whole grains, carrots, berries, broccoli, peas, beans, etc. for breakfast appears to help reduce uremic toxins in CKD (chronic kidney disease) conditions.

Can too much fibre be bad for you?

Too much fiber in the diet can induce Constipation, gas, and bloating. A person can relieve this distress by increasing their liquid intake, exercising, and making dietary changes. These painful side effects of excessive fiber can occur when someone consumes more than 70 grams of fiber a day.

How do you know if you’re eating too much fiber?

Consuming too much fiber can cause painful symptoms like bloating and excess gas production. This often occurs when you eat too much fiber too quickly because most of the fiber won’t be digested or broken down while proceeding through the GI tract.


When people have eaten too much fiber, the discomfort will pass over time, as the body rejects the fibrous foods.

A person relieves their discomfort by decreasing their fiber intake, increasing the water they drink, and exercising more.

Note: The fiber is a vital part of a healthy diet. Following a low-fiber diet has helped a person with their symptoms. They can consider re-introducing fiber in limited amounts so that the body can adapt.

When increasing your dietary fiber, it is important to drink more fluids. A person should aim for eight glasses of water a day and make a habit of choosing low or no-sugar beverages.

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