Does Aloe Vera Help Acne? | How To Apply Aloe Vera On Face?

Aloe vera is the most popular plant remedy for skin problems.

Aloe vera gel is used in over-the-counter (OTC) skin products. This plant extract has antibacterial properties, which has led to its use in treating pimples.

Aloe vera is a juicy plant native to Africa. Inside of plant plump leaves is a pulpy middle filled with gummy gel.

Aloe vera has been used for all skin irritations. Can break the fresh leaves off of the plant, the gel removed out and applied directly to the skin.

In this article, possible ways of using aloe vera with other natural products to reduce acne.

I have already shared a post related to this topic What Is Acne Vulgaris? I hope you read this post.

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Uses aloe vera for ance

Not all methods will likely work for everyone, but aloe vera is gentle on the skin, so there is a small risk in trying it.

Aloe vera is an alternative procedure, and so there are no approved guidelines about strength or dosage. However, the following list gives suggestions for possible ways to use aloe vera for acne.

Pure aloe vera

Study shows that aloe vera has some characteristics that make it effective in fighting acne. For example, aloe vera gel is:

  • An antibacterial
  • An anti-inflammator
  • An antioxidant

A person should use pure aloe vera cream instead of a cleanser to stop acne breakouts. This works because the antibacterial factors in aloe vera remove bacteria from your skin and reduce the risk of spots developing.

People apply aloe vera gel to the affected area to treat acne and leave it on overnight. However, it is important to wash it off in the morning. Aloe vera gels are available to buy online.

Also read this informative post for acne scars: Acid For Acne scars

Aloe vera and lemon juice

The citric acid found in lemon helps in treating acne. However, lemon juice is acidic, so mixing this with aloe vera gel may stop the lemon juice from burning the skin.

A person also can make a face mask by mixing aloe vera gel and lemon juice in an 8-1 ratio, spreading this over the face, and leaving it on for about 10-15 minutes. The most important thing should avoid the sensitive eye area and wash the mask off completely afterward.

Read: Masks For Acne Prone Skin

Cinnamon, honey, and aloe vera: How to Use Together?

Making a face mask of honey, cinnamon, and aloe vera may help to soothe acne. Honey and cinnamon have similar antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties to aloe vera.

To make cinnamon, honey, and aloe vera face mask, a person can mix about 1 tbsp of aloe vera, two tbsp of honey, and ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon in a small bowl and apply to the face and leave for 10 minutes, and washed with warm water.

Too many impurities on the skin cause acne. This 100% pure organic aloe vera gel is believed to help improve and reduce acne by absorbing the dirt and excess oil on the skin, which helps clear acne and blackheads. Add to your cart Now… 👇

Organic Aloe Vera Gel

From real freshly cut aloe leaves

An excellent daily treatment for face, skin & hair

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Aloe vera and tea tree oil

A study published in 2017 shows that tea tree oil gels and face washes effectively treat acne.

People avoid leaving tea tree oil on the skin for a long, but it may be suitable as a cleaning solution when mixed with aloe vera gel.

To make a cleaning solution, mix water, aloe vera gel, and 2 to 4 drops of tea tree oil. Many people can be sensitive to tea tree oil, so it is necessary to wash with water after a few minutes.

Aloe vera spray

Spraying your skin with a diluted aloe vera solution help hydrate skin without causing extra oil production or shine.

A person mixes roughly 2 parts water to 1 part aloe vera to make a spray. The solution can be stored in a spray bottle and sprayed on the affected area of your skin, avoiding the eye area.

Coconut oil, sugar, and aloe vera scrub

Many over-the-counter (OTC) exfoliants contain chemicals. However, a person who avoids chemicals can make their scrub using a combination of coconut oil, aloe vera, and sugar.

The grains in sugar remove your dead skin. In addition, researchers suggest that lauric acid is a key component of coconut oil, may help fight acne.

A person makes a scrub using equal parts coconut oil and sugar mixed with aloe vera. Once mixed, the scrub can be applied affected area and then washed off.

Do not exfoliate regularly, and always consult with the doctor before using exfoliating creams on acne, as they can more irritate the skin.


Aloe vera is a basic ingredient in many over-the-counter acne creams. People can find out which products include aloe vera by looking at the active ingredients listed on the label.

It’s a good idea to use creams containing aloe vera as part of the daily acne-fighting routine because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

How to apply aloe vera on face?

After washing your hands:

  1. Use the fingertips to apply an aloe vera gel to the face.
  2. Gently cleanse the face with the aloe vera using a circular motion, covering all the skin.
  3. Wash with cool water and smoothly pat dry.
  4. Follow with aloe vera skin toner.

Does aloe help sunburn?

Aloe vera is best for sunburn because it helps reduce redness by reducing inflammation.

Apply chilled aloe vera gel 2 or 3 times a day to the sunburned area of your skin. Use for some days or until your skin color has returned to normal and inflammation has improved.

Alternatively, mix 2 parts of water to 1 part aloe vera to make a spray. Keep the solution in the fridge. When using the spray, avoid the eye area.

Risks and complications

An allergic reaction to aloe vera is uncommon. However, there is some evidence that is drinking aloe vera cause harm.

In some cases, people may develop an allergic reaction to aloe vera. Signs of an allergy may include rash, redness, or swelling. If symptoms occur, stop using and applying aloe vera. If a person is worried about symptoms, they should consult with a doctor


Aloe vera is a moderately safe and effective way to treat and prevent acne.

Several are using aloe vera gel at home, and treatment options may be effective.

Do let me know what other homemade tips you follow for better skin.

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