The antepartum period covers the time of pregnancy from the first day of last menstruation to the onset of actual labor.
Focused antenatal care is goal-oriented care that provides care to pregnant women. for better outcomes for mother and baby.
It reduces the complications of labor and after delivery.
Aims of focused Antenatal care:
- To prevent complication in mother and baby
- To promote the mental, physical, social, and spiritual well-being of the mother.
- To rule out any medical, surgical, or gynaecological condition of the mother.
- For ensuring full-term healthy baby delivery.
- To provide breastfeeding knowledge to the mother and for the baby’s physical, mental, and emotional development.
Effective antenatal care
Includes continuity of care, from conceiving to delivery of the baby.
- It focused on antenatal care visits.
- To detect the complication and diseases
- To detect any sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea, etc.
- For regular antenatal care visits.
- The antenatal period is divided into three trimesters, each consisting of approximately 13 weeks or three calendar months.
- A woman may diagnose pregnancy before she missed a period and by herself because she feels different breasts as early as 5-6 weeks after conception.
- Diagnosis of pregnancy in the first and second trimester based on the combination of possible sign, probable sign, and a positive sign of fertility.
To get started care, you’ll need to know:

Table of Contents
Possible(Presumptive) signs of pregnancy
These are maternal physiological changes, which women experience and which in most cases indicated to her that she is pregnant.
- Cessation of menstruation
- Morning Sickness (4-14 weeks)
- Enlargement of breast and nipples (3-4weeks)
- Increased frequency of micturation
- Color changes around the breast Appearance of Montgomery tubercles
- Expression of colostrum from a nipple
- Continue elevation of basal body temp.
- Quickening
- Skin pigmentation
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Probable signs of pregnancy
These are maternal physiological changes other than the possible sign, which are detected upon examination and documented by the examiner.
- Enlargement of the uterus
- Changes in the shape of the uterus
- Presence of HCG in blood and urine ( positive pregnancy sign)
Hegar’s sign: Is sign of pregnancy in which there is softening of the cervical isthmus.
Jacquemier’s sign: It is a sign of pregnancy in which purple discoloration of the mucous membrane of the vagina.
Osiander’s sign: In which pulsation can be felt at the lateral aspect of the vagina.
Goodell’s sign: In which the cervix and vagina become soft.
Positive signs of pregnancy
Positive signs of Pregnancy are directly detected and documented.
- Visualization of a fetus by USG at 6th week
- Visualization of fetal skeletal by x-ray at 16th week.
- FSH by USG at 6th weeks
- Palpable fetal movement by 22nd weeks
- Visible fetal movement in late pregnancy
- Palpation of fetal parts by 24th weeks
Here are couple of articles, which you should definitely read to learn more information about pregnancy:
- Taking Care Of Your Mental Health During Pregnancy
- Mental illness in Pregnancy: All About Mental health in Pregnancy
If you know any other tips that allow you during pregnancy?, let us know in the comment box.
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