How To Soothe Itch From Yeast Infection?

Vaginal yeast infection is caused by a growth of a fungus that naturally lives in your vagina.

This growth triggers itching, inflammation, irritation, and painful discharge. As a result, most women experience a yeast infection sometime during their life.

Suppose this is your first time feeling the symptoms of a yeast infection. In that case, you should contact a gynecologist to confirm that you have a yeast infection and not something more.

However, if you have recurring yeast infections, talk to your doctor about other safe ways to treat a yeast infection or maybe stop.

Some of these remedies use that you might already have in your home. However, their effectiveness varies, and evidence for their success is mostly anecdotal.

Some helpful home remedies for yeast infections.

I have already shared a post related to this topic How To Soothe Itch From Yeast Infection? I hope you read this post.

Table of Contents

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Greek yogurt

Can hold yogurt a probiotic because it contains live bacteria

As confirmed in a study, eating yogurt helps develop the gut microbiome and can reduce fungus in the body.

In addition, they can help treat an overgrowth caused by an imbalance.

As verified in a study, eating yogurt helps increase the gut microbiome and decrease yeast in the body. 

Boric acid

Boric acid is a powerful treatment that some women claim is useful for treating yeast infections resistant to other remedies.

The Centers recommend topical boric acid for Disease Control as a treatment for yeast infection.

Boric acid is toxic in large quantities. If you consume enough of it, it can lead to acute circulatory system failure, kidney damage, or death.

To avoid the, do not use boric acid on dead skin and don’t take it personally. Also, if you’re pregnant, you should not use boric acid in any form.

Oregano oil

Common oregano is what you usually find in your market store’s spice section. The oil of oregano used to treat vaginal yeast infections isn’t the same type, however.

The research noted oregano oil to be effective in altering growth.

Oil of oregano is a normal blood thinner, so don’t use it if you take blood thinners for another health situation.

Also, don’t apply it if you have blood-clotting problems, such as a vitamin K deficiency.

Should not take essential oils orally. They’re suggested to be inhaled as a role of aromatherapy.

While some researchers are examining other ways to use oregano essential oils, at this time, it’s suggested that you use it diluted in a carrier oil, such as olive or sweet almond oil.

Probiotics supplements

Probiotics help replace the bacteria-yeast infection balance entirely in your body.

If you begin an oral probiotics regimen that includes strains of the Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria, you can bring your digestive system and vaginal flora into alignment. Eating yogurt is one way to supplement probiotics.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a fatty oil received from the flesh of the coconut. The oil has many health goods, including antifungal infections.

To treat a yeast infection by using coconut oil, be sure to buy natural coconut oil. Then, you can use the oil directly to the affected area.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a vital oil that’s used to kill bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

Tea tree oil is powerful. Make sure to reduce it with an oil, such as jojoba or coconut oil, if it’s going to touch your skin. Already treated tea tree vaginal infections are the best choice.

Only apply tea tree oil irregularly, and nevermore take it. If you become sensitive skin, do not apply tea tree oil. Stop use if any discomfort happens.

Apple cider vinegar

Vaginal Yeast infection remedy is an apple cider vinegar bath.

Apple cider vinegar bath is no the same as douching, which aims to flush out all bacteria in your vagina.

Doing so makes you more likely to a reoccurrence of the yeast infection. Do not douche with apple cider vinegar.

Should dilute vinegar in water before touching the skin. It would help if you also considered adding apple cider vinegar to your diet.

I also wrote a tutorial on Apple Cider Vinegar For GERD that you can follow.


In research, garlic was shown to be effective. But there’s discussion over whether it’ll help remedy vaginal yeast infections outside.

If you’d like to try garlic to use a vaginal yeast infection, add more garlic to your intake.

Some studies suggest inserting garlic in the vagina, but burns and significant pain have been reported. It would help if you stuck with adding garlic to foods.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydroxide is a bacteria and yeast-killing antiseptic. The center for disease control is provided by bacteria in the vagina and is part of the biological activity against yeast.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an immune booster. A healthy immune system allows your body to make itself back in balance.

Try increasing your consumption of vitamin C to boost your body’s energy to beat the yeast infection. However, do not apply the acidic vitamin C to the painful vaginal muscle.

I also wrote an article on Does Vitamin C Help With Covid? also you can read.

Yeast infection cuts on vagina

Yeast infections usually cause the vagina to be red and itchy, sometimes swollen even before the onset of vaginal discharge.

In addition, women with yeast infection of the vulva may have minor cuts on the vagina due to soft skin of the area and may begin to burn with urination.

You must read this article: What is Yeast Infection Discharge?

When to see a doctor

Most home remedies take relief within a few days. However, some may take up to a time.

Contact your doctor if your symptoms worsen or if new signs appear at any time during treatment. Also, call your doctor if you have determined irritation that’s separate from your yeast infection symptoms.


Some tips to help prevent yeast infection.

  • Limit the amount of sugar and treated foods you consume. Yeast thrives on sugar.
  • Wear cotton underwear.
  • Don’t spend extended periods in wet clothes or bathing suits.
  • Only use antibiotics when required.
  • Don’t use douches unless prescribed by your doctor, and avoid vaginal sprays and scented vaginal moisturizers. They may adjust the balance of good bacteria and yeast in your vagina.


Home remedies may or may not work to treat yeast infections. If you use herbs, supplements, or oils, be aware that the Food and Drug Administration doesn’t monitor specifically for safety, purity, and quality. Buy from a reliable source.

Be sure to understand that any product, natural or differently, may pain-sensitive vaginal skin. Therefore, you should stop using the remedy and call your doctor if you experience irritation or trouble.

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