Viral Dizziness Symptoms | Is Vertigo A Potential Symptom?

If you think of Covid-19, you probably have symptoms like cough, fever, and cold.

However, there are many symptoms of covid-19.

Covid -19 can also cause neurological symptoms like loss of smell or taste and headaches.

Dizziness and viral dizziness (Vertigo) are the other two neurological Signs that can result from Covid-19.

I had earlier shared Covid Dizzy. I hope you read the post.

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Viral dizziness Symptoms

The significant primary complaint of viral dizziness that typically worsens with head movement says research Patients often describe it as a spinning sensation, with the room or objects about them moving.

Symptoms of Vertigo include:

  • Increased sweating
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

I also wrote a tutorial on Headache And Vomiting that you can follow.

Is vertigo a potential symptom of covid-19?

Before discussing how dizziness is related to covid-19, let us explain these two symptoms and how they occur.

  • Dizziness: Dizziness is a feeling of being unbalanced. If you feel dizzy, you may have difficulty staying balanced or have a weakness when walking.
  • Vertigo: People feel very dizzy vertigo. There is a lot of pain or imbalance in the brain. During this imbalance, the person suffering from excessive sweating or nausea, vomiting, etc.

However, this cannot be the only way Covid-19 may cause dizziness and viral dizziness.

Although much is still unknown why Covid-19 causes these symptoms, some potential symptoms of covid-19

  • The effects of inflammation from the infection
  • Injury related to increased blood clotting 
  • Nerve tissues of viral infection 
  • Damage to nerve tissue from reduced oxygen 

Must read: Is Coughing Up Blood A Sign Of Covid?

Homeopathic DiVertigo is an all-natural relief medication for people suffering from lack of balance, dizziness, nausea, spinning. Just place two drops behind each ear.


Natural Vertigo Relief Liquid Drops

Safe, Effective, and easy to use

No side effects & No drowsy


Is it common?

We still research the exact prevalence of vertigo with Covid-19.

However, some investigations have begun to look at how often these symptoms happen.

Examined neurological symptoms in 213 people hospitalized with Covid-19. It found that 16.7% of these individuals experienced dizziness as a symptom. 

Neurological symptoms were research found to be more common in people with severe disease.

Another study dizziness and vertigo in people who had Covid-19. Of the 184 people who responded to a study questionnaire, 34 (18.3%) reported feeling or viral dizziness.

These numbers are usually consistent with those from studies that described dizziness as a covid-19 symptom.

Across this research, the percentage of people reporting dizziness ranged from about 5 to 29%.

When does dizziness usually happen with COVID-19?

However, there are some indications that dizziness may be an earlier symptom of Covid-19.

The research mentioned above noted that most neurological symptoms like dizziness are presented early.

Additionally, another study mentioned dizziness as a common symptom at the onset of illness.

Two case studies have reported dizziness as one of the only initial symptoms of Covid-19.

Case studies experienced dizziness without other common Covid-19 symptoms like fever or cough.

Dizziness and long- Covid 19

Many people recover from Covid-19 over days. However, some individuals can feel persistent signs that last for many weeks or months. Thus, it is called long COVID-19.

It’s estimated that 10 to 35% of people who get Covid-19 feel long symptoms.

Vertigo is a potential symptom of long Covid-19.  

Other signs of long covid that have been reporting include:

  • Extreme fatigue
  • Difficulties with concentration and memory 
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms, such as diarrhea or constipation
  • Aches and pains
  • Trouble sleeping (insomnia)
  • Low-grade fever
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Heart palpitations

Here are a few articles to check out:

Treat viral dizziness

follow the steps below to help to reduce the signs of vertigo or dizziness:

Sit or lie down: You can sit on a chair with your head between your knees.

Move carefully: Dizziness or vertigo can begin to falls. If you are moving, do it carefully. And slowly.

Hydration: eases your symptoms, so try to drink more water as you recover.

Rest up: Rest may ease your symptoms, especially if they are due to an infection.

Avoid some activities: Do not operate other types of heavy machinery until your symptoms are gone.

I recommend you to read following posts that will help you: How Do You Know If You Are Dehydrated?


Dizziness is a possible symptom of covid-19. Currently, reports show that these symptoms often appear early and are shared. However, it is currently unknown why COVID-19 causes or causes dizziness.

If you have dizziness or a type of vertigo, sit or lie down until it gets better. When you go up again, be sure to do it slowly. 

If you are concerned about Covid -19, other symptoms may include headache, fever, and loss of smell or taste.

Let me know if you know any other tips that allow you to treat yourself the fastest way possible.

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