What Blood Type Can Donate To Anyone?

Your blood type is defined by genes inherited from your parents. Whether your blood type is unique, common, or somewhere in between, your donations are important in helping save and improve lives.

How common is O-positive blood?

O positive is the common blood type as about 35% of our blood donors have it.

The second most common blood type is A-positive (30%), while AB-negative (1%) is the rarest.

Blood Type
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What blood type can receive o blood?

People with an Rh-positive blood type receive O positive red blood cells (RBC) – so that’s A positive, B positive, and AB positive as well as O positive.

That means 3 in 4 people can benefit from the donation of around 76% of the population.

What blood can O-positive people receive?

People with O positive blood can receive donations from:

  • O positive blood donors
  • O negative blood donors

If your blood type is:

You can give to:

You can receive from:


O+, A+, B+, AB+

O+, O-

A Positive

A+, AB+

A+, A-, O+, O-

B Positive

AB+, B+

O-, O+, B-, B+

AB Positive


All blood type

O Negative

All blood type


What blood type can you donate to anyone?

O positive is the blood type commonly requested by hospitals, so we need to ensure a steady supply.

What blood type can you donate to anyone?

O positive is the blood type commonly requested by hospitals, so we need to ensure a steady supply.

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Importance of O-positive

Type O-positive blood is given to patients more than another blood type, which is why it’s rated the most needed blood type.

38% of the population has O-positive blood, making it the most popular blood type.

O positive red blood cells are not completely compatible with all types, but they are compatible with any positive red blood cells (A+, B+, O+, AB+).

O-positive CMV-negative donors are known as Heroes for Babies at the Red Cross because it is the safest blood for transfers for immune-deficient newborns.

Is O+ blood type rare?

O+ is the most commonly occurring blood type and is found in 37%of the population. O- is found in 6% of the population. This blood is the second most commonly occurring blood type. Thirty-four of every 100 people have A+.

How are blood types inherited?

You receive your blood type the same way you inherit your eye color—from your biological parents. This is because both the ABO genes and the Rh factors come from your parents. However, you did not have the same blood type as your father and your mother due to the many possible combinations.

Difference between O Positive and O Negative

O-positive and O-negative are the 2 blood types in the human blood type O. human blood is listed under the ABO blood type system. Within the ABO system, 4 blood types can be identified: type A, B, AB, and type O.

The main difference between O-positive and O-negative is that the Rh factor is present outside the red blood cells of the O-positive blood. In contrast, the Rh factor is already absent on the surface of the red blood cells (RBC) of the O-negative blood.

O Positive


O blood type that includes the Rh factor on the surface of the red blood cells is referred to as O positive.

O blood type that requires the Rh factor outside the red blood cells is referred to as O-positive.

Cannot find the antibodies in plasma.

Rh antibodies are present in the plasma.

Anti-A and anti-B antibodies are already present in the plasma.

Anti-A and anti-B antibodies are already absent in the plasma.

Can receive blood from O-positive and O-negative blood types.

Can only receive blood from O-negative blood type.

The ideal donation includes whole blood, double red cells, plasma, and platelets.

The ideal donation includes whole blood and double red cells.

Does O positive blood affect pregnancy?

There can sometimes be problems if a mother is an O blood type and baby is A or B blood type, where the mother’s body produces antibodies against the baby’s red blood cells (RBC) when blood mixes. This is called ABO incompatibility.

With ABO incompatibility, there are no preventative steps to protect the baby. Still, suppose a baby shows signs of anemia in-utero or is jaundiced after being born. In this case, they will be given phototherapy to help break down the chemicals in the baby’s blood, causing their jaundice. They may need blood transfers if they are anaemic. Will do all this straight after birth to prevent any long-term problems.

What to eat for blood type O?

Type O blood focus on eating lots of protein like in a paleo or low-carbohydrate diet.

He suggests that you consume:

  • Meat and seafood for weight loss)
  • Fish
  • Vegetables like broccoli, spinach, and kelp are good for weight loss
  • Olive oil
  • Fruits

It would be best if you too paired the O blood type diet with healthy aerobic exercise.

His diet plan recommends taking supplements. These supplements are supposed to target your health conditions connected with type O-positive blood, like digestive problems.

What foods to avoid with O blood type?

The low-carbohydrate or paleo-oriented diet that D’Adamo recommends for those with type O blood focuses on avoiding:

  • Wheat
  • Dairy
  • Legumes
  • Corn
  • Caffeine and alcohol
  • Kidney beans


38 percent of people are O+, making it the universal blood type. In addition, O+ red blood cells can be transfused to a positive blood type, so it’s one of the most demanding blood types.

Researchers have also revealed that people with blood type O have the lowest risk of cardiovascular disease, suggesting they may have low levels of inflammation and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

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