What is Amnesia? | Childhood Amnesia Trauma

The loss of ability to remember due to damage or any disease of the brain is called amnesia. However, due to the consumption of some medicines, you may have a temporary amnesia problem for a short time.

Amnesia means loss of memory, difficulty in learning, perceiving new information, inability to recall important personal information, and forming new memories.

And now we see about Childhood Amnesia Trauma.

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Childhood amnesia trauma

If you Have any past incidence of physical injury, it can lead to childhood amnesia trauma.

And childhood Stress, Depression, and schizophrenia is responsible for childhood amnesia trauma.

Also read: Is Schizophrenia a Disability? | What Not to Say to Someone With Schizophrenia

Causes of amnesia

Causes of Neurological or Organic Amnesia

Neurological amnesia means due to any neurological problem or brain disorder.

  • Brain Stroke
  • Encephalitis-brain inflammation 
  • Lake of oxygen- any illness or situation which undermines the supply of oxygen to the brain, respiratory distress, or carbon monoxide poisoning. 
  • Sleep induced medications
  • Some seizure disorders. 
  • Shock therapy may cause memory impairment or confusion.

Causes of Functional or Psychogenic Amnesia

Psychogenic amnesia means memory loss due to any psychological or mental problem. Also known as dissociative amnesia.

  • Being the victim of a violent crime
  • Sexual abuse
  • Child abuse
  • Being involved in combat (soldiers)
  • Being involved in a natural disaster 
  • Being present during a terrorist act

Types of amnesia

There are many different types of amnesia. 

Anterograde Amnesia 

  • The patient forgot information about recent events, and that should be turned into short term memory disappear.

Retrograde Amnesia 

  • It is the opposite of anterograde amnesia. The patient forgot information and event that occurred before the trauma, but a person can remember things that happen after it usually.

Hysterical (fugue) Amnesia 

  • This disorder is infrequent in that person will not only forget about the memories or events, but their identity also person will not have a sense or idea about his/her self. They behave like unknown or stranger identity.
  • A person forgets his/her documents like driving license, original certificates, etc. It happens due to personal distress, and a person does not have to cope or problem-solving strategies with themselves.

Posthypnotic Amnesia 

  • There is a problem after hypnosis in recalling memories.

Source Amnesia 

  • The person can remember certain information, memories, or event but not b knowing the exact from where he got that information.

Situation-specific Amnesia 

  • Certain circumstances or situations (for example, domestic violence committing an offense, child sexual abuse) resulting in Post-traumatic stress disorder that emotions, stressful events, or traumatic different from our ordinary memory or person sometimes cannot be able to recall the memories associated with specific situations.

Blackout Phenomenon 

  • Loss of memory due to drinking excessive alcohol. A person does not remember drinking or with whom he sipped, or he becomes disoriented from time and place. 

Drug-induced Amnesia 

  • It is the administration of amnestic drug injection to help a patient forget surgery or medical procedures, mainly for those who have not undergone the effect of the full anesthesia.

Traumatic Amnesia 

  • Memory loss caused by any accident or trauma to the brain.
  • Examples: People who lose their memory as the result of a car accident may have traumatic amnesia, and due to that person is having amnesia.

Transient Global Amnesia 

  • It is a temporary loss of all memory in that patient is having a problem forming new memories or events sometimes loss of memories seen, and it is not that dangerous. Sometimes transient global amnesia is due to a blood clot in the brain.

Wernike-Korsakoff’s psychosis 

  • Due to long term alcohol abuse, and it is associate with thiamine deficiency in alcoholic persons. Patients with Wernike-Korsakoff’s psychosis have symptoms like poor judgment, disorientation, poor coordination, and the loss of bodily sensations. In some cases, a person is getting their memory slowly came back, but not in all cases.

Childhood amnesia ( Infantile Amnesia ) 

  • The child cannot recall the memories of early life. The amnesia is associated with some mental disorder or speech and language confusion or if there is some defect in brain area or abnormal development. 

Sign and symptoms of amnesia

  • Inability to recognize places.
  • The person cannot learn new information.
  • A person cannot recall past information 
  • Memory gap
  • Coordination problem
  • Tremors
  • Confusion or disorientation. 
  • Problems with short-term memory. 
  • Partial loss of consciousness. 
  • Total loss of consciousness. 
  • Failure to recognize faces. 

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Diagnostic evaluation of amnesia

  • Medical history of the patient
  • History collection, physical examination
  • Mental status examination
  • Family history of the patient related to Alzheimer’s disease
  • The patient is assessing for the loss of memory, confusion his/her decision-making capacities
  • Check the history of alcohol abuse
  • Blood tests for amnesia
  • Complete blood count(CBC)
  • Thyroid function test
  • Low level of vitamin B12

Other tests

  • CT Scan
  • MRI
  • EEG for diagnosis of epilepsy
  • Cerebral angiography 

Medical management 

Medication is not usually helpful in the treatment of amnesia. 

  • Antianxiolytic drugs
  • Antidepressant drug
  • Maintain fluid-electrolyte balance
  • Thiamine deficiency is treated by vitamin and proper nutrition.

Therapies for amnesia

Individual Therapy

  • It is the interaction between two people that is counselor or counselee in that therapist or counselor will maintain proper rapport with the patient.
  • Encourage the client to express their feelings.
  • Therapist tries to take the history of a patient regarding the patient’s problems and their families.
  • Therapist identifies the source of the problem and tries to solve it.
  • Teach the patient how to deal with the stress and ineffective event and also teach about how to develop coping strategies and problem-solving strategies.
  • Seek help if you find aggressive and destructive behavior of your self.
  • Address ways for the client to stay safe and seek assistance when experiencing self-destructive impulses.
  • Encourage the client to express the emotions ( without revealing too much) comfortably. 
  • Help the patient to express past repressed memories to prevent current behavior. 
  • Encourage the client to stay with long-term treatment without frustration.

Group Therapy

  • Group therapy is the sharing of ideas, opinions, feeling in the group to solve the problem.
  • Establish a safe, comfortable place for the group discussion
  • Provide a support system to the patient.
  • Therapist tries to understand the problems fear and stress factors of the group.
  • Help the patient to develop a social relationship and solve the problem in the right practical way.
  • In completing a specific task or activity, positive motivation should be provided to the group members.
  • Encourage the group member for long-term follow-up care and sessions.

Read: Which Of The Following Is A Benefit of Group Therapy?

Family therapy

  • Provide the information to the family about the patient disorder, treatment, and how to communicate with the patient sub-personalities.
  • To counsel the family members about how to interact with the patient and become supportive of the client.
  • Provide a secure environment for the patient.
  • Do not argue and blame the patient and maintain a positive attitude towards the patient.
  • Do not hesitate to seek the help of a therapist in solving a problem for the patient.
  • Teach family members to obtain personal counselling to avoid the stress of living with long-term illness patients.

Cognitive Therapy

  • Cognitive therapy is an adaptation of positive behaviour in place of adverse reactions.
  • Help the patient to manage daily routine activities of life and time management for the events.
  • Help for the positive thinking that patient can improve by reading the books or watching the real mind videos.

Must read more about CBT:

 Occupational Therapy 

  • To provide skill activities to the patient for the diversion and engagement with the events.
  • It will maintain physical and mental coordination. E.g., art and craft, cooking, making a lamp, and candles.

Here are a following other hand-picked articles for memory loss:

I tried to cover as much as I could for amnesia , but if you still have a question in your mind, feel free to give us comment.

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