What Does Vitamin E Do? | What Is Vitamin E Good For?

Vitamin E is a type of antioxidant that is beneficial for our body in many ways.

That dissolves in fat that stores in your body and uses when it is required.

Vitamins are found in grains, vegetable oil, fruits, meat, eggs, vegetables, and many other foods. Supplements of vitamin E are also available in the market.

I had earlier shared How Can I Boost My Immune System?. I hope you read the post.

maximum vitamin e per day
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Vitamin E deficiency symptoms

Vitamin E supplements are available from food and substances. Following are some signs of weakness:

  • Harm to the retina of the eye that can affect vision
  • Damage to peripheral nerves,
  • Weakness or pain in hands or feet
  • Loss of control of body movements
  • Mothers lead to prematurity & defect in muscles
  • In preterm babies, deficiency may cause hemolytic anemia, skin changes, jaundice, edema, retinopathy of prematurity, intraventricular hemorrhage, Bronchopulmonary dysplasia, etc.

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What does Vitamin E do?

Vitamin E has antioxidant properties throughout all the vitamins.

Antioxidants are the elements that help protect cells from free radicals.

An active form of vitamin-E is alpha-tocopherol which is beneficial for our hair and skin.

Much needed for organs of the body to function correctly. Slow down the process of damaging cells.

Vitamin E effective for healthy skin and hair.

I also wrote an article on What Is Acne Vulgaris?: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Home Remedies also you can read.

All of us should support our diet with several vitamins. We recommend Vitamin E supplement from the brand Nature made, especially for antioxidant support. However, it is recommended for all.

"Nature Made"

Vitamin E Dietary Supplement for Antioxidant Support

300 Soft gels


How much Vitamin E should be taken?

The National Institute of Health is supposed to take 15 mg per day for men and women, including old age, pregnant mothers.

Following age need vitamin-E every day in routine life,

  • Six months to 1-year-old 5 mg,
  • 1 to 3 years old 6 mg,
  • 4 to 8 years old 7 mg and
  • 9 TO 13 years old 11 mg of

Along with this, other vitamins are equally crucial for the body, and people of all ages should take them regularly.

Vitamin E Functions

  • Helps in cell maturation &maintenance of the stability of biological membranes.
  • Minimizes the oxidation of carotene & linoleic acid in the intestine.
  • Acts as an antioxidant & used as a free radical scavenger.
  • Antineoplastic effects.

What is Vitamin E good for?

Beneficial for hair, face, and healthy glowing skin. It is also called a beauty vitamin. 

These oil-filled capsules with these antioxidants will be available at any of the medical stores.

The most important thing is whether you use it correctly or not. If it uses appropriately, then its effect will start to appear soon. 

Let us tell you how you can increase your hair & skin’s beauty by adequately using it.

Vitamin E for skin – Prevents your skin from becoming dry & makes it glowing. Mix vitamin capsules with almonds or coconut oil before going to bed every night and apply it to the face

You can also use it in a moisturizer, lotion, cream, or scrub on the neck and face. Reduces your facial scars, as well as cures acne and pimples on your face.

To learn more, you can help .What Is Acne Vulgaris?: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Home Remedies

Vitamin E for Hair –  Also use for hair growth. We Can mix with hair oil. Use it one day before washing your hair.

Read: Retrograde Alopecia: How To Prevent It?

Vitamin E for Eye – Reduces dark circles under the eyes and tired eyes. Apply vitamin-E oil under the eyes and leave it overnight. You will see the effect in a few days.

Vitamin E for Soft Lips – Applying on the lips makes lips soft and shiny. It will soften your lips in a few days.

Vitamin E masks – You can Add in almond oil, fresh lemon juice, honey, mashed avocado, apply on your face 10-20 minutes and  get your skin soft and glowing.

Healthy hands and nails – Nails quality may increase with the help of capsules.

To learn more, you can read:  How Can I Stop Biting My Nails?

What are the food sources?

Vitamin E founds in vegetable oils, seeds, dry fruits, & green leafy vegetables.

  • Seeds, whole wheat grain are good sources 
  • Sunflower and soybean oil
  • Almonds
  • Peanuts
  • Beet greens, collard greens, spinach
  • Pumpkin
  • Mango and Avocado

Most people get the vitamin from food, but people with liver diseases and chronic diseases need more in their diet.

Supplements of vitamin-E harmful for people who are taking blood thinners medicines and other medicines. Necessary to discuss with your doctor before taking any supplement.

You must read this article: Nutrition Value of Food: Importance, Benefits, and Diet


Sometimes, taking an overdose can cause health Challenges.

The actual risk is bleeding, mainly with doses> 1000 mg throughout the day.


Not only vitamin-E but any vitamins are necessary for our body, especially for pregnant women.

The lack of vitamins affects the baby in the womb, Essential to take a good dose of vitamins.

Improving the diet of mother and child, creating awareness about vitamin and their deficiency.

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