What To Do If You Think You Have Coronavirus?

Fever, cough, fatigue are common symptoms of Covid 19. Here we will talk about What to do if you think you have Coronavirus. 

Although it is essential to show a doctor such signs, if you make some changes in your diet and routine, your immunity will increase, and you will avoid this respiratory infection.

I have already shared a post related to this topic All About Coronavirus Fever And Covid Night sweat With No Fever I hope you read this post.

What to do if you think you have Coronavirus
Design by Gerd Altmann / Pixabay

Table of Contents

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Test for coronavirus

  1. Rapid Test
  2. RT-PCR test 
  3. CBC
  4. CR
  5. ESR
  6. LFT
  7. D-Dimmer
  8. SGPT
  9. HRCT 

Tools used in coronavirus fever

Oximeter :  To measure oxygen and heart rate. If the oxygen level continues to fall below 94, consult a doctor without panic.

Thermometer:  To measure body temperature Measure and take note of oxygen and temperature every 3 to 4 hours.

Drugs in coronavirus fever

Can use this drug to boost immunity

Azithromycin 500 :  Take one time a day for five days to eliminate the infection in the body.

Vitamin C:  Disease Take one time in a day – 10 days to increase immunity

Read these article article: What Is Vitamin C Good For?

Vitamin-D:  Take four tablets one time a week for one month to boost immunity.

I have already covered: Does Vitamin D Help With Covid?

Take ZINC disease once a day for ten days to increase bile strength

Take paracetamol every 8 hours if you have a fever.

Smart breath should be taken 2 to 3 times a day.

Consult a doctor and prescribe a different medicine for the remaining problem.

Ayurvedic medicines for coronavirus fever

Even if you take Ayurvedic medicine, you can avoid corona infection.

Swasari Patanjali: Take it three times a day if you have a cough.

Ayush Kwath Powder: Immunity Booster Wood 2 times a day

Dharasana Massage Oil:  For pain in the joints of the body

Nilgiri Massage Oil:  to sniff and spray in the room.

To get started treatment, you’ll need to know:

Home remedies for coronavirus fever

  • Drink more warm water
  • Drink one glass of lemon syrup two times a day.
  • Drink one glass of orange or citrus juice two times a day.
  • Make full use of ginger in making tea and extract.
  • Drink turmeric milk once a day.
  • Take hot food at home.

You must read this article: How Do You Know If You Are Dehydrated?

Steam inhalation

In Starting Phase steam inhalation is more important so take it 2 to 3 times a day.

Take medicine mentioned above for sniffing. As soon as you inhale it, you can add its drops to the water. Half a tota can be used for sniffing at once.

If you take steam through the nose, remove the bar from the mouth and if you make it through the mouth, remove the bar through the nose.

Hold the steam for 1 minute and slowly remove the bar Bake for at least 10 to 15 minutes.

Yoga and sunlight

  • The sunlight of the rising sun every morning is very beneficial
  • Pranayama is beneficial while taking heat.
  • Sit in the morning heat for at least 40 to 60 minutes
  • Do some light exercise in the morning

Doctor's consulting

If you find more complication then immediately consult expert doctor.

A few other article that you might be interested in:

Related: Is my Sore throat Covid or allergies ? | Sore throat first sign of covid

If you see any symptoms related to corona virus, let us know in the comment box. So we can help you

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